Recently I was asked…
“Doc Segal, as a Chiropractor… what is the #1 mistake people make with neck pain who have no trauma ?”
Simple, LOOKING Down…
Staring at our computers, cell phones, televisions, game console, work areas…our head forward posture is responsible for of much of your neck and shoulder pain, along with muscle tension headaches.
Check this out…for every inch your head is forward of your midline…it double the weight of your head on your shoulders, over time…it adds up physically in terms of muscle tension headaches, neck pain…
You’ve seen often older people when viewing them from the side, their heads stick out far in front of their bodies.
I always say… “motion is the potion and the lotion”, because as you move typically you feel better, it’s therapeutic.
Now, I’m talking about neck pain NOT associated with any trauma, like sports injuries, auto accidents or work injuries, those need to be evaluated and treated by a professional, that’s an entirely different discussion.
I’m talking about my neck pain associated with stress, headaches, I slept funny or I slept wrong…
Check out this brief video I made, it explains it all.
Tomorrow I’ll show you 3 simple things you can do while sitting to help with your neck pain.